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CITYMAX Innovative Plant Employee Team Building

In CITYMAX Innovative Plant, there is a group of hard-working employee who hold different positions: workshop operators, maintenance workers, forklift drivers, workshop directors, production manager, security personnel, etc. Their hard work day after day allows CITYMAX to perfectly produce and operate orders from more than 60 countries.

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In the past year, CITYMAX has not only achieved remarkable results in the domestic market, but also actively expanded into the international market and established good cooperative relationships with more customers around the world. These achievements cannot be achieved without the hard work and efforts of every employee here in the plant.

This team-building activity is designed to allow everyone to relax physically and mentally, enrich their spiritual life, and enjoy a wonderful cultural feast after stressful work.

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As we all know, Xi'an has been a cultural holy land since ancient times. The performance we chose this time shows the development of the city of Xi'an from ancient times to the present and many iconic stories. The wonderful stage effects won rounds of applause from everyone.

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CITYMAX also hopes that through this team-building activity, it will shorten the distance between each employee and make every day work happier.

In the days to come, CITYMAX will continue to uphold the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation, pragmatism and hard work, to realize the global development strategy, and become a world-class innovative enterprise. CITYMAX also hopes that every employee here can be happy at work and make work a part of a beautiful life.

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Post time: Dec-20-2023
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