
Report on Use of CityMax products on Cucumber

With the increasing problems of soil degradation, a variety of adverse conditions that are not conducive to the healthy growth of crops have resulted in poor crop growth, weak stress resistance, and low quality, which have brought great trouble to agricultural production.

The product OrganMix from CityMax Group is a composite bio stimulant product, which combines the three most widely used core raw materials: mineral fulvic acid, seaweed extract and small molecule polypeptide. It is also equipped with the necessary large, medium and trace elements, so that Organmix can supplement and meet the nutritional needs of crops in various periods.

The following is the application practice of OrganMix for cucumber in Sichuan, and the effect is very significant. The scheme of "OrganMix+" was used for 3 consecutive times after transplanting cucumber for 10 days. The growth is strong and powerful, the resistance ability is enhanced, and the quality of cucumber is improved.
Dosage: drip irrigation/flushing
Usage: 6kg~12kg/ha

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Farmers said that cucumbers are healthy, with thick green leaves, straight melon shape, even melon pieces, and crisp taste, which really makes cucumbers better to sell and eat.

Post time: Dec-01-2022
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